Gifton Myle Death & Obituary: Tragic Death of 11-Year-Old Gifton Myle in Francois, Vermont

Gifton Myle Death & Obituary: On Tuesday afternoon, the small village of Francois, Vermont, was rocked by the devastating news of the death of 11-year-old Gifton Myle. The young boy was found hanging from a rope beneath his great aunt’s house, leaving the community in deep shock and mourning.

Details of the Incident

Gifton was discovered under the ground level of an unfinished house where his great aunt, Nicolelyn Myle, and her son, Kleran Myle, live. Kleran, a 9-year-old Grade 4 student at Buccament Government School, witnessed Gifton tying a rope earlier that day. When he returned to the area, he found Gifton unresponsive, hanging from the rope.

Kleran described the disturbing scene and his immediate attempts to help, noting the deep mark left on Gifton’s neck. Despite his efforts, it was too late to save his cousin. “I thought and said, ‘Papa dead’,” Kleran told iWitness News.

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Family and Community Reaction

The Myle family is devastated by the loss of Gifton. Nicolelyn Myle, Gifton’s great aunt, has described the incident as “frightening” and “tragic,” expressing concern for her son Kleran, who was very close to Gifton. The Francois community, known for its close-knit bonds, is also deeply grieving the loss of such a young life.

Background and Future Prospects

Gifton was about to start secondary school in September, following his recent primary school exit examination. His sudden death has overshadowed what should have been a time of excitement and new beginnings for his family. Earlier that day, Gifton had asked if Kleran could join him to pick plums, but Nicolelyn had declined due to safety concerns about the location.

Ongoing Investigation

Local authorities are investigating the circumstances surrounding Gifton’s death. The investigation aims to determine whether the incident was a tragic accident or if other factors were involved. The community awaits further updates as officials continue their inquiry.

The death of Gifton Myle is a heartbreaking tragedy for his family, friends, and the Francois community. As the investigation continues, support for those affected, especially young Kleran, remains a priority.

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