Christopher Ferguson Found Guilty of Violent and Sexual Abuse, Sentenced to Prison

Christopher Ferguson, a former police officer from Wishaw, has been found guilty of nine charges, including two counts of voyeurism, following a trial at Hamilton Sheriff Court. Ferguson, 31, was convicted of subjecting three former partners to violent and sexual abuse over a period of 14 years. His crimes, which took place in the Lanarkshire area and at Glasgow’s Helen Street police station, have shocked the community.

A Pattern of Abuse and Control

Ferguson’s abuse involved a range of controlling and violent behaviors. He subjected one woman to repeated assaults, dictated what she could wear, monitored her text messages, and even took away her mobile phone. His control extended to stalking her through repeated calls and texts, sending unwanted gifts, monitoring her social media, and waiting outside a relative’s property.

Another victim endured repeated assaults, including being choked on various occasions. Ferguson also disclosed intimate photographs of this woman and threatened to harm himself, further exacerbating the emotional and psychological trauma he inflicted. A third victim was violently attacked, once being pushed down a flight of stairs, and was also stalked by Ferguson, who monitored her movements and contacted her about an ongoing police investigation against him.

Legal Consequences

Ferguson was arrested and charged in 2021 after an investigation by Police Scotland. Following his arrest, he was immediately suspended from duty and later resigned. The trial culminated in a conviction, and Ferguson has been sentenced to three years and nine months in prison. Additionally, his name has been added to the sex offenders register for ten years, and non-harassment orders have been granted, preventing him from contacting his victims for a decade.

Prosecution’s Statement

Les Brown, Procurator Fiscal for South Strathclyde, described Ferguson as a “habitual domestic abuser” who inflicted “unimaginable trauma” on his victims. The conviction and sentencing reflect the severity of Ferguson’s crimes and serve as a reminder of the importance of holding abusers accountable for their actions.

Ferguson’s case underscores the devastating impact of domestic abuse and the critical need for justice and protection for victims.

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